We Were Created to Communicate the Truth.
The second thing that gives a person’s life meaning is to have a mission. In the Star Trek series, the Enterprise was on a mission “to go where no one had gone before.” In Swamp people the mission is about catching ‘gators. Even the Blues Brothers were “On a mission from God.” Someone might think or even say, “Well, that’s just entertainment.” Perhaps, but even in history there are examples of the importance of having a mission. Phrases like “No taxation without representation” and “Remember the Alamo” were rallying cries calling people to a common mission. Having a mission gives meaning to our lives. God’s second reason for creating us is for mission.
We Were Created to Communicate the Truth.
The second thing that gives a person’s life meaning is to have a mission. In the Star Trek series, the Enterprise was on a mission “to go where no one had gone before.” In Swamp people the mission is about catching ‘gators. Even the Blues Brothers were “On a mission from God.” Someone might think or even say, “Well, that’s just entertainment.” Perhaps, but even in history there are examples of the importance of having a mission. Phrases like “No taxation without representation” and “Remember the Alamo” were rallying cries calling people to a common mission. Having a mission gives meaning to our lives. God’s second reason for creating us is for mission.
We all have a mission. Like the Mission Impossible task force we can choose to accept it or not. The difference is the mission we have is one that gives our lives meaning. Our mission is to tell unbelievers about God and to encourage believers in God.
God said to Moses,
and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel." Exodus 19:6 (NASB)
and Jesus said to the disciples,
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:19-20 (HCSB)
Every believer should have a ministry to believers, and a mission to unbelievers. It is not hard for people to do both. One possible way to accomplish both is to involve the entire family by going on a mission trip together.
Studies show most people who come to Christ -- at least in the United States -- come to him before they turn eighteen . Other studies show people are far more receptive to hearing the gospel from a friend than a stranger. This combination gives Christian families an incredible opportunity for ministry and mission.
We all play a crucial role -- if not the most critical -- in helping people develop this sense of mission in their lives. We have the power, more than that, we have the mission to begin building into the lives of people a strong sense of how God created each of them for a mission.
Studies show most people who come to Christ -- at least in the United States -- come to him before they turn eighteen . Other studies show people are far more receptive to hearing the gospel from a friend than a stranger. This combination gives Christian families an incredible opportunity for ministry and mission.
We all play a crucial role -- if not the most critical -- in helping people develop this sense of mission in their lives. We have the power, more than that, we have the mission to begin building into the lives of people a strong sense of how God created each of them for a mission.