Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Many people spend their days trying to find real peace, true happiness, and complete rest. We often find ourselves chasing our shadow trying to grasp “the dream.”  The very first Psalm is a step by step process for receiving happiness, peace and rest from God.
Note: All scripture quoted from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, except where other wise noted.

    (1) How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of mockers!
A truly happy person is quickly identified by the things he doesn’t do. That is to say, his life is NOT directed by the opinions, advice, or influence of unbelievers. True happiness is a result of being full of joy, not a shallow pretense that is created by a temporary event or experience. A major problem among our society is most people are intellectually constipated.  People often say, “I am an individual and want to express my individuality.” But in truth the expression that they cherish is determined by someone else.  It may be a fashion designer, a writer, a photographer, reporter, etc., but they allow others to determine their actions.  This problem is not limited to fashion, rather it extends into every area of our existence.  We seek, even follow advise without concern for the qualifications of the advisor. 
God paints a verbal picture of the life style He has appointed for us in the book of Jeremiah, “I never sat with the band of revelers, and I did not celebrate [with them]. Because Your hand was [on me], I sat alone, for You filled me with indignation.” (Jer.15:17). 

    (2) Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.
The Bible is God’s instruction book for our lives.  Have you ever noticed that everything the Bible tells us to not do is harmful for us?  Not only that, but everything the Bible tells us to do is beneficial for us.  What is equally amazing to me is that sooner or later secular science always ends up agreeing with the Bible (regarding healthy and unhealthy habits).  The reason why the happy person doesn’t take advise from the world is because the world is made up of amateurs!  We are a bunch of creatures trying to pretend that we are more than we are, that we know more than we do.  Most worry-some of all is we are creatures pretending that we have it all figured out.  God is the expert! He created us and wrote the instruction book for life (The Bible).  The real question here is “Which does it make more sense to follow an amateur or the expert?

    (3) He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
    Cyprus trees are known for strength and their resistance to rotting.  Ever thought about where they grow?  They grow next to the water. In searching for life on other planets, astronomers focus their search to find “water planets.” One thing that biologist agree on is water is the source of life!  Jesus speaking to the woman in John 4 used the term “living water” to illustrate it importance of our relationship with God.  The prophet Jeremiah wrote: “For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.” (Jeremiah 2:13) 
          The Bible is God’s instruction book for life, it connects us with the “streams of water” that God provides to us.  Streams which make us strong, that enable us to “bear fruit,” and keep us from withering away.    

    (4) The wicked are not like this; instead, they are like chaff that the wind blows away.
The Hebrew word translated into English here as “wicked” can also be translated into English as “criminal.”  Other translations use the word “ungodly” here. We may conclude that “the wicked” are those who disobey God’s law.  They are “wicked,” “ungodly,” “criminals,” in God’s eyes.  The same law that the “happy man” (see verse 1) delights in destroys those who violate it.   I have spend a lot of time counseling people regarding the dangers of certain substances or particular behaviors.  We need to be equally motivated to proclaim the truth about God’s ways and His mercy available for those who disobey His law.

    (5) Therefore the wicked will not survive the judgment, and sinners will not be in the community of the righteous.
The Bible makes it clear in multiple and varied ways and in numerous locations, that God is reserving a “day of judgement” for HIS creation.  As followers of Christ we must believe that!  Knowing that judgement is coming, our love for people should compel us to tell others about Jesus and the grace offered through His sacrifice.     
    (6) For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin.
This Psalm began with statements about people who are happy and those who are not. It closes with one of the pursuits coveted by people, the pursuit of protection. God promises His protection and also His guidance for those who obey His instructions. The Bible is our instruction book for life.  The better we know it, what it says to do and to avoid, the better our lives become.  It is so obvious and so simple.

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