Monday, March 5, 2012
H.A.B.I.T.S. (part 1)
There are six habits that produce a GREAT life! Today I'm posting the first three of those habits (some have suggested that my posts are too long) and I'll post the other three later this week (so keep checking back, or just join and follow for automatic updates).
Some time back Stephen R. Covey wrote a book titled, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The book identifies 7 habits that will make the reader more effective in his personal and public life. Additionally, Covey claims that “this is powerful advice that will help you live a happier and more fulfilled life.”
These six HABITS will produce perseverance, joy, and fulfillment in life no matter how good or bad things get! The only cost is the time to read this post and the effort to implement the habits. WHAT A GREAT DEAL!
Here are the first three HABITS!
H. = Hang Out with God
The most important habit we can develop is to spend time with God daily. The more the better, but remember God values quality above quantity. Choose a place and a time where there is the least chance of being interrupted. I have a place on my porch that I use. Praying or singing is allowed, but also listening. It may feel awkward at first but stay with it! It takes a little time to learn to “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 49:10)
A. = Accountability with another believer(s)
Last year we emphasized every attendee being a part of an accountability group. Here is the problem, many people have stopped their accountability groups. Just because the banner is down, doesn’t mean the practice of accountability should end. Strong Christians have trustworthy accountability partners (note more than one). Begin today to gather a group of 3-5 devoted believers as accountability partners. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)
B. = Bible Study regularly
To love God, we must first know God. We get to know God through reading the Bible. There are two ways we need to study the Bible. Alone (during our “hang time”) and together in a small group (accountability thing). The Bible describes God’s personality, it helps us to experience Him, it describes His attributes, most importantly is repeatedly affirms His love for us. There are more than 7,000 promises God makes to us in the Bible. How many of them can you name? But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. Psalm 13:5 (NIV)
Take time this week to begin to develop these first three HABITS! They will serve you well in working on the next three. If you need some help with H & B I suggest "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. It's a 366 day devotional book that only takes about 8-10 minutes per day to do, but it is rich enough that you can also spend 30 or more minutes in deep study. In short, it's very adaptable.
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