Monday, February 13, 2012

Knowing God Intimately

“For millions of Christians, God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian.  They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.” A.W. Tozer

    Tozer’s statement is worth spending time reflecting on the degree to which it applies to each of us.  PAUSE, and ask yourself this question, “How real is God to me?”  Perhaps you might be thinking, “Well, whatever do you mean?”  But the question is clear and simple, “How real is God to you?”  It is one of the most important questions in our spiritual journey. 

    How real God is to a person is directly proportional to how well that person knows God.  Not how much we know about God, but how well we know God.  Another way of looking at all of this would be to define the relationship we have with God.  In particular, how intimate are you with God? 

    To the best of my understanding, God’s primary message to us is He loves us and desires our love in return.  To understand and receive that message, we must first accept the fact that God is knowable and desires to be known.  He is not a God who is “watching us from a distance” but rather a God who is so close to us that HE is essentially within us.

    Closeness with God is not a goal that is accomplished, or a check mark on our “bucket list.”   Rather it is a process, a never ending, always changing relationship, much like any other relationship.  Unfortunately, we don’t always protect our “God-me” relationships with the same determination as we do our “other people-me” relationships.  Some of us will go for days without even telling God, “hello” (one reason given for a pastor’s dismissal years ago was he didn’t say, “hello” to a church member).  We tell God how much we love Him on Sundays, then “cheat” on Him by loving other things more than HIM.  We’ll ask God to give us wisdom, then complain when we get into a position where we must use that wisdom (same thing with faith, health, influence, etc.). 

    Much of our problem is we don’t want to know God as much as we want to figure Him out.  We are constantly trying to “out guess” Him.  To figure out how to get the most from God through the least effort from ourselves.

    This is why most people (esp. unbelievers) want to read and study Revelation, they are trying to decode it in hopes of cheating judgement. Our sin-self wants to out guess God in hopes of  “working the system.”  An example of what I’m trying to say in when Peter asks Jesus, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”  (Matthew 18:21 NASB) He was trying to figure out the minimum effort to building his relationship with people and with God.  The rich ruler in Luke 18:18 had the same problem, he was trying to be sure he had God figured out.

    We need to realize that as people we don’t have each other figured out, therefore how can we even imagine having God figured out.  When we stop trying to manipulate God, we will start down the path of knowing Him.  As we get to know God more and more then we will develop the understanding that I don’t need to manipulate Him.  Knowing God will cause us to see that He has promised to always do what is best for His Kingdom and for us.  Also, that He never breaks a promise. 

    Hopefully by this point there is an interest in how to get to know God better.  It begins with spending time with God.  This involves two activities.  One is spending time with other believers as they corporately spend time with God.  Also begin spending time alone with God.  Start doing things like praying, reading Scriptures, singing Christian songs, reading Christian authors (The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer, is a good start), etc.

    Secondly, we begin to participate with God in things HE is already doing around us. Look for a place to volunteer in service to God.  Volunteer to be a greeter or to help with parking at the church you are attending.  Be willing to serve at the welcome table/center or help in some other ministry in the church. The opportunities are there if we will submit to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.  By doing these things we will learn to love God more and experience more of the love He has already given.

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