I’ve taken some time off from the blog to travel and enjoy the Christmas season. However, with the changing of the wall calendar from 2011 (a date I could never imagine experiencing when I was a teen) to 2012, I thought it appropriate to fire up the ol’ brain cells and write another post.
During the past three calendar years, the media has tried to convince us that life in the U.S. holds very little promise of success and that our economic status has little hope of recovery. Some of those reports were exaggerated in order to gain viewers/listeners and to sell advertising. Some reports were accurate. I have no intention of trying to identify which were which.
I found it humorous when in November the media suddenly began to report that the economy was “looking up.” Which incidentally was precisely 12 months prior to a major election. Imagine that! As usual for any election year, those in power will be saying, “things are getting better because of us.” While those who want the power will be saying, “things are this bad because of them.” What does all of this have to do with Psalm 12? I thought you’d never ask.
Psalm 12 while a short Psalm (it’s eight verses long) packs a lot of punch. It also fits our situation in 2012, because of a complaint, a comfort, and a confidence. Some theologians claim it is messianic in nature prophesying the time of Christ’s birth. Others associate it with apocalyptic literature describing end times (see John Gill’s commentary, Introduction to Psalm 12). Regardless of one’s view, it certainly fits where I see in our world today.
The author begins with a complaint, very similar to the one made by Elijah (2 Ki 19:14), Micah (7:2), or by Habakkuk (1:1). A complaint that, while somewhat exaggerated, could very easily be made by any of us today. In that complaint is a cry for help.
Then there is a very important part where David finds comfort in the sovereignty of God. He also takes note of God’s power but as well as His declaration to act against evil. The psalmist even points out the value and assurance of God’s words.
In the last two verses we read of God’s desire to be protector and provider to us. That while ungodly people may brag, and evil may appear to succeed, God will prevail according to His schedule.
This period of time we call 2012 may be remembered many ways. It may be an election year, a recovery year, a destruction year (according to the Mayans we have until Dec.), whatever year, but most of all it is a year for us to live what we say we believe. During 2012, I’ll complain about things, but I’m going to bring my complaints to the one who can do something about it . . . God! Then I plan to take comfort in His power to address my complaints. Finally, I will pray for a confidence that will help me to be patient and trust God’s timing in taking care of my problems.
Happy New Year to all!
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